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Johnny You
Yesterday 1:34 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,438 posts
TwoIfByTea » Today, 9:27 am » wrote: Dont mess with fetanyl my kid died bought some pills dead took them dead as a doornail and the Cops thought for a second that I killed him because his girlfriend told the cops we were arguing screaming at eachother but the autopsy came back overdose and that was that.

i wish that I had something better say to my son but I just wanted him chip in maybe pay little rent or help out around here like cut the grass letting ya stay here almost for free

These day a I stick to booze and smoke a little weed once in awhile.

I dont mess with crack or the hard stuff anymore.
I would need three hands to have enough fingers to count how many in my circle fentanyl has killed. Young People.. Gone Like a Freight Train.
It seems those it hasn't killed may have made them stronger.  It's almost two years since the last one made the ultimate trip to the sky.

Jeff Bezos sells test kits to make sure your street drugs aren't laced. I spoke with a person who helped with debate in the Missouri Legislature.  The conservatives wanted to make the test kits illegal and considered drug paraphernalia.  Higher IQ's had to explain to them that is a total dumbazz move.  Once a dead kids parents find out the tech could have saved them, they would sue.  I think Bezos sells swabs so you can detect if it is in your kids room.

The Christians in Missouri are miserable.  They are another state with "Jesus or Hell" signs every two miles.

Updated 2 minutes ago
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